Sunday, September 29, 2013

News Update For This Week Part2!

well this news is all about kpop's update!
fyi,based on my interest only..yepp

What news that attract me the most?

K-IDOL and their relationship status!
GOD!!!, can you guys just admit that you're not single anymore?..=.=

The most obvious couple that denied their dating rumors is... 

The picture has been proven, yet they're still denying it?..well obviously its their company whose denying it..pssshhh..don't act like we're fool, we're human we have brains..kemonn!

Their holding hands?..seriously SM?..they denied it by telling us lies:-
"They're like brother and sister so they can holding hands freely" <<< WTH with that statement? answer is "Oh yeah? why didn't they holding hands while crossing the road? (to be more safer!..that's how a guy or a "brother" should act to protect the lady while crossing the road)..pfffftt..and the funny thing is their holding hands when there's no one around in the alley? (don't lie, there's a video proven and I've watched it with my own two eyes O_O)..ouh and another one, Heenim is also like a brother to Sulli right?..why didn't they holding hands then?..I mean a picture when they hang out together, holding hands?..nobody bothers right?, I know..hesssh."
What a LIE..heh -.-

The second one is my fave "L"..T_T..IDK whether it is true or not, but for some reason my feelings tell me that it is true?..I guess so?
Infinite "L" Myungsoo and Ulzzang "Kim Do Yeon" dating rumors

Like always, Woolim Entertainment (L's company) denying their relationship status by saying "They are just a close friend"..I'm not shocking at all (already know the answer). The thing is, I think this girl is a bit..IDK?..there is so much rumors about her?..if the fans said a bad thing about her IDK if they want to make her look BAD or she's just BAD?..okay, I read on a youtube comment recently, someone said that she loves to faking her relationship with an IDOL, like GD?..whattt?..=.=, are you serious?..but to me the evidence between her and Myungsoo is really a big deal, it looks like they're really in a relationship because the company admit that Myungsoo knows her, and she's not a stranger, yepp..but if it is based on her twitter post, I think she is a bit selfish?..her twitter post said "I don't like cowards" <<< the article that I read recently said she's point that post to Myungsoo?..because after she wrote or post that, suddenly the picture of them hanging out together leak on the guess she want her relationship with Myungsoo to be known by others and couldn't care less about the effects that will cause to Myungsoo?..I'm just guessing..Myungsoo is an IDOL, if she loves him she should know what to do after the news break out and come clean.    

-The thing is, I really don't mind at all if K-IDOL admit that they're in relationship, but the things that I hate the most when they denying it..I just, I can't accept it!-

I know they like to protect their fans from heartbroken or something, but they should think about themselves too, it is hard I know, but you can't keep a secret forever, the fans might found out sooner or later, just let them dealing with their emotions and delusional feeling, you just do your stuff. (I think that is what a fan should think about for their bias, support them in whatever they do)..again, I know that the fans already give their whole heart, spending their big sum of money, take care of their bias in so many way..but the fact is they can't keep protecting them forever?..they're humans like us, they have feeling too, not just a performer. Think before you act. The are not gonna be yours forever.

There's so much I would like to talk about..arghhh..but I think I've mumbling to much..enjoy reading!


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