Sunday, September 29, 2013

Just ME and My COFFEE

Hello are you?..long time no see..when I'm in here I always didn't know what to write?..eventhough I have a lot to talk about in my mind..yesss I do!..right now the exact time is 1.00AM in the morning..just me and coffee..everyone asleep now except for me like ALWAYS..yepp..I'm bored..there's so much fun stuff to do actually but I just didn't have any mood for it, just laid back chillin with my a cup of coffee..IDK I just admire coffee so best friend when I'm lonely..T_T..okay let's start with a story! was, nothing much?..I just spending my time sleeping all day!..because I'm so tired as hell, just got back from travelling with my family yesterday..and it was fun!, because we haven't going on a trip together for awhile..everyone is busy working their asses off..yepp..that's what we do!..but what I hate is, my back is kinda hurt real bad, IDK why? hurt like all my back bones are kinda broken into pieces..nahh I'm just joking..but its still hurt tho..:'(..hoping that this pain will go away somehow..isk!..okay goodbye from now! XOXO


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