Monday, September 30, 2013


Salam, well helllloooo "Monday"..I know that everyone really hates Monday because they have to go to works or classes, Monday Blues. Right now, I'm on a holiday mood!.,.its a YAYAY for me!..but I don't really like it because I have to stay at home alone..-.-..yepp..I know some people like to living alone sometimes, but for me I rather have someone beside me so I don't feel alone..that's what I feel..hmmmphh..IDK what else to talk about in this entry..ouh know that I haven't drinking plain water much lately, and I know its not good for my health, my mom will be mad at me if she knows that I'm still drinking Coke eventhough I know sooner or later she will find out about it..gosh, I'm afraid that my sugar level will be extremely high!..I should buy mineral water after this..isk..T^T..drinking mineral water is hard for me, IDK why????...maybe because it doesn't have any taste?..heh..whatever..I should exercise more while I'm at body are weaken, because I'm always infront of my laptop watching dramas for like so many hours until I can't feel my feets and hips..well I guess now I know why my back is hurting so much..the mystery solved!..XOXO


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