Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lots of changes going on lately...

Hey Minionssss..JK..Salam dan apa khabar blog saya!..lama gila rasa tak update, I've just realize that or maybe not..duhh..okay, sekarang nak cerita, tentang hidup?..yupe banyak perubahan..I've changed my major from animation to advertising design..yeahhhhh..and I kinda like it actually..saya rasa least I learn something that I really like! and I'm hoping that I'm not facing any difficulties after this..I've learned my lesson and I know how hard can it be..fuhhh..serious susah..sbb nak kena convince family about what I really gonna after this and "Are you really sure about this?"..yupe..I'm exactly 100% sure about it..INSYA-ALLAH berjaya..tentang masalah future nanti fikir..apa yang penting habiskan study dulu..and assignments jangan lupa buat okay hanna!..gogogo fighting! XO!


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