Sunday, November 25, 2012


It's a muddy festival this year at "Urbanscapes"..hehe..well, it happened at the same place as last year, dekat "Padang Astaka,PJ"..Hanna pergi yang hari Sabtu punya je..nak pergi ahad punya didn't think so..sbb CYBER jaoh kott!..=.=..poor me..takpe then..;D..well hari tu is sooo tiring! tapi I'm soooo enjoying seriously tak rugi sebab bnyak acts for that day!..glad to hear the sound of the most favourite spot on that day is at the "THE NEXT STAGE"..gosh the music is sooo nice to hear..*immersed in the sound of the music and lyrics*..I bought just a little goodies for myself and my sister..didn't manage to buy a clothes..haih..RUGI!..tapi takpe..maybe next year kalau rajin pergi lagi..hoping that my DIPLOMA FRIENDS can make it!..krrrrr

-One word.."FUN"-

-Told ya it's muddy festival..poor baby macbeth..*I'm Sorrrryyyy*-

-I love that "Light Balloon Thingy"-

-With Friends..^^-

-With my "Long Lost Friend" Mun!..*miss her*-

-Say "Hello" to my friend Mira aka Mirot..thanks sebab jual tix bagi murah..keke..heart!-

-Goodies for my sister!..*hope she likes it*-

-NOTBUK..*things that I admire every year at urbanscapes..cheers*-


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