Wednesday, January 29, 2014

They're My Savior

Salam, Supp blog!!!…heylowwww :)
It's 4pm on Wednesday!
Just hanging out with my coffee and laptop, at the same time I'm watching TV while listening to a song  *multi tasking..IKR*

Huh!..well, for this post I'm gonna talk about my degree year which is really tough for me…yeah because I changed my course from Animation to Advertising, how stressful is that, but!..I don't mind at all because I got my friends with me, beside my family these people really give me encouragement and strength to move forward, different than any other friends that I had before, they really important to me…I seriously glad that I meet them *xoxo forever*, I really hope that our friendship will last forever *I meant that*..I just wanna say I'm thankful that I have you guys and let's pray for the best in our life!..let's have a holiday that we always dream about..hehe..I always there if you need me *hopefully* let's be each other backbones and protect our friendship!…xoxo love forever :D

-Nani,Rubi,Aciel and Mya-

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