Salam..hello readers *if I have one*..sekarang ni tengah mood Ramadhan, that's mean we muslims kena puasa!..yay!..and after that we can celebrate Hari Raya *duit raya duit raya*..ehe..yupe I know I might be too old for duit raya..but eventually I'll still get it because I'm still beat it!..eheeheheh..okay..I feel like typing today..nak cerita tentang hidup?..yea masih sama..samar-samar lagi, hari yang sama tak ada perubahan, yeahhhh..hidup saya bosan!..krrrrr..I feel like traveling right now, kalau boleh nak berjalan "Around The World"..what if..I'm lucky to be born rich?..what if?..I can travel to see the world..I'm not the type of person yang boleh duduk dekat satu tempat je..that's why I choose to study far away from home, but not that far lah least I can learn to be independent..the thing is, I've love to see a lot of miracle things that happen to our world..serious shit I like it..all the weird stuff or things that happen I like it, kalau boleh nak tengok semua benda tu depan mata, you know "Niagara Falls?"..ohhhhhhhh I want to see it infront of me right now!..

-Okay this "Niagara Falls" for those who didn't know-
Ahhhhh..serious suka!'s just weird I like stuff like this tho, yupe..that's on my wishlist..I wish to watch "Niagara Falls" depan mata..another weird thing I would like to watch "Whale" live depan mata!..I know it's dangerous..but I'm curious how big is the "Whale" is?...
-"Blue Whale"..I love Whale, its cute-
Next stop is!..Vaadhoo,Maldives..the reason I want to go there is because their "Shimmering Shore"..serious cantik gila!..omaigaddddd..ada saksi menyatakan: "Ive been there at night when the waves come in its absolutely beautiful it looks like the waves are glowing and sparkling blue like magic"...wahahaha..she's so lucky to be there..bila masa saya agaknya..isk!
-"Shimmering Shore,Vaadhoo Maldives"...beautiful :')-
Alright, there is one place yang amazingly amazing!..nama tempat tu Bolivia! know there's a lot of news tentang reflections "Salt Flats" diorang?..sumpah reflection memang reflects habis!..tempat tu memang wajib visit!..*aaaaa how I wish I'm pretty much freakin rich right now*..hehe..alright here goes the picture of that place...
-"Salt flats in Bolivia"...reflect habis kan!..cantik gila kot!..ohmaiiiii-
If you guys curious kalau this shit seriously wujud ke tak?.."Google" ada boleh tolong and "Youtube" oso..rajin2 kan lah diri yea search..hehe..okay that's all for today!