Monday, May 7, 2012

Work Hard!

-I'm Motivate myself now-
-Power Up Mode 'ON!'-

Sleep and Eat

  • family member: so what are your plans
  • me: sleep and eat
  • family member: i meant for tomorr-
  • me: sleep and eat
  • family member: and for the futu-
  • me: sleep
  • family member: when you grow u-
  • me: eat

Source : Tumblr <3

-Like A Boss-

The Baddest Female Seoul City Ever Had



-With Jeremy Scott-

-With GD-


Well she's actually cute in person...^^


-Indeed she's very cute!...^^-


Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Awesome Conversation Ever part 1

  • Mum: Why is your room always so messy?
  • Me: So that if someone comes in and tries to kill me, they'll trip over something and die.

Source : Tumblr <3



Tolong carikan untuk saya beg macam ni!
<3 <3 <3

Japanese Exam!

Pretty Pretty Please Be Good To Me...^^


(click on this picture for a larger view)

-Ice Princess-
-Jung Su Yeon aka Jessica Jung, Jessica, Sica-
-18 April 1989-
-San Francisco, California, USA-
-'B' type-

Because talk is 'CHEAP'...

Salam and Hello!...why I prefer 'SILENT' than 'TALK' ???...yeah I bet you guys already know the answer..*high five*
Kadang-kadang kita ni tak perasan apa yang kita 'cakap' tu boleh menyakitkan hati orang lain atau menyinggung perasaan dia...manusia, macam-macam yang bermain difikiran diorang, samada kita boleh 'BACA' atau pun tidak...melalui mimik muka pun kita da boleh figure out *selalunya kita tak perasan sangat pun* sebab asyik fikir perasaan sendiri, perasaan orang lain kita amik ringan...haih..=.="..that's why I rather stay silent than say it out loud, tapi bila da tak tahan nak simpan 'RASA SAKIT HATI NAK CAKAP TU''s horrible..itu lah yang buruknya kalau 'Pendam'...Pendam jadi Dendam..baik jangan jadi macam tu..tapi bila kita 'cakap' yang betul terus tak bertegur lah pulak, well I guess I should keep it than say it..^^


I Like The Meaning ^.^

- When my time comes, I want to treasure it for sure. Every little things that he do to makes me smile, I will appreciate it <3-

Ultra Lover Part 1

(click on this picture for a larger view)


(click on this picture for a larger view)

Lu Han (EXO-M)

-Heroes in My life besides my father...ehe-
-They light up my DAY <3-

That's What We Call "Arts"

Bila da bengang and we trying to keep it cool "That's what we do"...believe me..I know all of you were thinking the same thing, please...hehe!..Iyea kan je lah~

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Artwork Appreciation! *baksu*

(click on this picture for a larger view)

~Park Bom and TOP TOP TOP~

-I found it on tumblr and it was 'AWESOME'-
-IDK who drew this?...if you guys know please inform me ASAP! (because I want to thank him for this awesome works!)-

(click on the picture for a larger view)
-This is the screen cap from the performance (huh..close enuff)-

Reminisce the fond memories

Love your family and friends while you can,
appreciate every little things they do,
treasure every moments with them,
take them for granted,
take everyday, like it was last day with them.


I get bored easily.

Salam and Hello! see the title, let me explain a bit about it..started with, bila saya cuba sesuatu benda like learning how to play a violin, confirm! tak boleh nak kekal lama..I wonder why?..=.="..except for "Duduk depan lappy-TOP selama beberapa jam", yupe yang itu boleh...ehe..satu lagi Taekwondo!, itu pun separuh jalan jugak, oopps! wait!, tu bukannya separuh jalan tapi tinggal lagi satu level untuk black belt then stop..haih..=.="..I guess that's why saya tak pernah nak ada pendirian tetap and selalu ubah fikiran and tak boleh nak fikir pasal future and I hate that feeling. I guess maybe sebab saya hanya boleh kekal dengan sesuatu benda yang saya betul2 minat kott, dan saya rasa semua orang pun mesti macam tu jugak kan?..yeah~..tapi nak mencari minat tu sampai kita boleh berjaya dalam hidup kelak memang susah..macam mana nak cari minat agar boleh menampung masa depan kita nanti?, saya masih mencari sampai sekarang. I don't know when I will find it, jealous tengok mereka2 yang dah tao mana arah tuju mereka dan tao apa yg mereka lakukan..I just don't have that feeling yet and I really want to know how it feels like. Agaknya bila saya dapat jumpa rasa tu, mungkin esok?, atau mungkin bulan depan?, tahun akan datang maybe?, who knows...^^


-Still Searching-

Wonder Girls Sohee

(click on this picture for a larger view)

-Ahn So Hee-
-27 June 1992-
-'AB' type-
-Dumpling Face-


Blackjack (Official Fan Club Name)!

Let's know more about 2NE1 jjang!

-Lee Chae Rin aka CL-
-26 February 1991-
-Seoul,South Korea-
-'A' type-
-Korean,French,Japanese and English-

-Park Bom aka Bom @ Bommie-
-24 March 1984-
-Seoul,South Korea-
-'AB' type-
-Korean,Chinese,Japanese and English-

-Sandara Park aka Dara-
-12 November 1984-
-Busan,South Korea-
-'A' type-
-MBLAQ's Thunder elder sister-
-Tagalog,Korean and English-

-Maknae (Youngest Member)-
-Gong Min Ji aka Minzy-
-18 January 1994-
-Seoul,South Korea-
-'O' type-

*I've been loving them since their debut year on 2009!*
*The only girls group from Korea that I admire the most...^^*
*LOVE <3*



-So much stress...sejak dari sekolah sampai sekarang IDK what I want to do in a future...-


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Apa yang saya RINDU~

-My Precious Family-

(curik gambar imi...ehe)

-Randomly Hangout! dengan my osemmm friends ever!-

-My two beloved niece!-

-My Big Family and Cuzzins!-
-My Schoolmates and college mates!-

-and finally Me Room! = House!-

Picture Perfect

-Model in the Picture : F(x)'s Sulli-
-I just randomly play with the colour to edit the picture...^^-
-I used to put this picture on me2day, but now I'll share it on my blog <3-


Chocolate and Marshmallow


Waktu2 macam ni lah nak minum hot chocolate...isk isk
Rindu air panas yang Abah selalu buat kan (tapi bila dekat rumah selalu minum air panas dengan ais...haish!)


Salam and Hello!...sorry yea suka update blog pasal KPOP!..ehe..kpop in my life is everywhere..dekat tumblr, twitter, instagram and etc!..sekarang dekat blog pulak..sorry yea readers! (if I have one..keke)..for the kpop haters 'SILA KE KIRI'..Hanna malas da nak deal dgn orang yang tak minat kpop ni..kalau tak suka diam je lah, nak kutuk-kutuk pehal pulak kan, sebab kalau kita tak kacau minat dia jadi jangan lah dia nak kacau minat kita *END OF STORY*..Hanna kalau da minat mmg 'Betul2' minat!, jadi jangan lah halang minat orang yea haters2 sekalian..terima kasih!..^^..It's not like minat Hanna tertumpu kat kpop je, tapi minat lain pun ada lah jugak, tapi tak lah se-Update macam mana Hanna tao kpop (senang je kalau nk stay update pegi je kat / tumblr...ehe). Okayy!..enuff said about this!...^^

-Now Playing : Big Bang - Blue-


I'm V.I.P
(V.I.P = Big Bang's club name)

Let's know more about BB!...^^
Debut Year : 2006

-Kwon Ji Yong aka G-Dragon-
-18 August 1988-
-'A' type-
-BB producer!...woot woot~!-

-Choi Seung Hyun aka T.O.P-
-4 November 1987-
-'B' type-

-Dong Young Bae aka Taeyang @ Sol-
-18 May 1988-
-'AB' type-

-Kang Dae Sung aka Dae Sung @ D-Lite-
-26 April 1989-
-'O' type-

-Maknae (Youngest Member)-
-Lee Seung Hyun aka Seung Ri @ VI (Victory)-
-12 December 1990-
-'A' type-

*The first ever Korean Group that I like and admire the most until now!*
*LOVE them since 2008 (kinda late..isk isk)*
*My fave member is T.O.P (Tabi!)...but actually all BB members is my fave...^^*
*My only hope is I want to watch them perform live!!! >.<*
*2008-2012 (OMG!...I can't believe it's already 5 years! gosh)*
*LOVE all of their songs!!! <3*

-Know them well and you will fall for it, trust me!...^^-

*Credits picture from tumblr and internet*


My new Interest!...^^

-Lu Han-
-20 April 1990-
-'O' type-
-Soccer and Rubix Cube-

Check out his group EXO-M and EXO-K!...^^

*Credits picture from tumblr <3*

Meet My Sister~!...^^

Encik Hassan and Puan Nilam daughters!...^^
Banyak Cakap
Like Shoes!
Suka Jalan!
Korean Lovers~
What else ea?...IDK lah you guys figure out sendiri lah....^^

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What I do today?

my life start here and end here for today...ehehehe..da tak ada benda lain nak buat...;D

now playing : T-Max - Paradise (almost paradise lalalalala~)

-YAY~!!! fave LuluHanhan ^^-


Salam and Hello~!!!...I'm back at MMU~..okayy! start cerita!..tadi ingat nak nak bukak photoshop or illustrator tapi!..lupa yg lappy-TOP ni mana ada da kott sume tu..=.=..sbb hari tu format lappy-TOP then everything GONE..yupe~..jadi Hanna suruh lah Hanani Bt Azran bawak kan installer, sbb dia kata dia ada..tapi nk tnya skrg dia tgh tido lah pulak..mmg tak lahhhh nk tnya...aigooyahhh~..okayy takpe!..buat benda lain lah dulu, nak setadi skrg macam tak da mood lah pulak sbb penat, takpe esok masih ada!..insya-ALLAH..^.^
